Monday, 28 September 2015

Attempt #62: JO's Porridge!

If you have school going kids and we have to prepare their breakfast and meal boxes for them, I think you will understand how challenging it is trying to think of new ways to make those bread, eggs or fruits interesting. 

So, for the next few recipes, I will be concentrating on trying out Jamie's Breakfast recipes / ideas. 

Here's one of Jamie's Porridge ideas - Oats with Banana, Almond Flakes, Cinnamon Porridge. Drizzled with Honey! Yumz! 

The result
Yummy , especially the lightly toasted almond flakes. It was an A+ from the adults but not the kids though. They are simply not a fan of oats! 

The actual recipe can be found on Jamie's website link below: